Contact Us

Contact the Jurídica Aérea team. For flights that do not originate or destiny Madrid the contact telephone number is: 91 070 98 08 - 644 23 60 88..
We are happy to answer your questions.

E-mail address

If your question is not answered on our website, please send us an email to [email protected] or fill out the form below.

Office hours

Our office hours are from 9.00 to 18.00 uninterrupted. Call us or send us a Whatsapp.


If you have any questions about your rights or about the presentation of your complaint, see Frequent questions.


We present the news and curiosities of the world of air transport. Visit our blog in this link.

Talk to the legal team of Jurídica Aérea

Do you have an unresolved question? Contact us and we will help you.

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